
Nancy L. Ascher, MD, PhD
Professor of Surgery
Division of Transplant Surgery
Isis Distinguished Professor in Transplantation

Hobart W. Harris, MD, MPH
Professor of Surgery
Division of General Surgery
J. Engelbert Dunphy Endowed Chair in Surgery
Director, Center for Hernia Repair & Abdominal Wall Reconstruction

Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD
Professor, Departments of Medicine and Surgery
Director, Office of Research and Development in Medical Education (RaDME)
Endowed Chair in Surgical Education

Linda M. Reilly, MD
Professor Emeritus of Surgery
Division of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery
Department of Surgery, School of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco

Wen T. Shen, MD, MA
Professor of Surgery
Division of Surgical Oncology
Director, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds Education Series
Program Director, Endocrine Surgery Fellowship
Mindfulness Training Modules

Elissa Epel, PhD
Director, UCSF Aging, Metabolism, and Emotions (AME) Center

Frederick (Rick) Hecht, MD
Professor of Medicine
UCSF Osher Foundation Endowed Chair in Research in Integrative Medicine
Research Director, UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine

James Mitchell, PhD
Instructor, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine

Kevin L. Delucchi, PhD
Professor, UCSF Department of Psychiatry
Molecular Biology

Jue Lin, PhD
Molecular Biologist
Director Telomere Biology Core Lab,
Laboratory of Elizabeth Blackburn

Bruce S. McEwen, PhD
Alfred E. Mirsky Professor
Director, Harold And Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology
The Rockefeller University

Fredrik Baathe MSc, PhD
Guest researcher / Post-doctoral Fellow
LEFO, Institute for Studies of the Medical Profession

Steven Cole, PhD
Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
UCLA School of Medicine

Andy Kayser, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor in Residence
UCSF Department of Neurology

Joel Kramer, PsyD
Professor of Neuropsychology in Neurology
Director, UCSF Memory and Aging Center Neuropsychology Program

Conor Liston, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience,
Brain and Mind Research Institute
Weill Cornell Medical College
Principal Investigator, Liston Lab

Karin Isaksson Rø MD, PhD
Specialist in Occupational Health, Director
LEFO - Institute for Studies of the Medical Profession

Lara Stables, PhD
Manager, Neuroscience Imaging Center
Manager of MRI Lab - Neuroscape

Adam Staffaroni, PhD
Assistant Adjunct Professor
UCSF Department of Neurology
Physician Fulfillment and Satisfaction

Fredrik Baathe MSc, PhD
Guest researcher / Post-doctoral Fellow
LEFO, Institute for Studies of the Medical Profession

Karin Isaksson Rø MD, PhD
Specialist in Occupational Health, Director
LEFO - Institute for Studies of the Medical Profession