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Center for Mindfulness in Surgery »  Core Team »  Clinical Research Coordinators »  Ekaterina Guvva, BS
Ekaterina Guvva, BS

Ekaterina Guvva, BS

  • Clinical Research Coordinator

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San Francisco State University Pre-Health Post-Baccalaureate Program, 2015

Ekaterina joined the UCSF Aging, Metabolism, and Emotions (AME) Center in August 2016. At the AME Center she workied with Alexandra Crosswell's Caregivers and Attentional Awareness Pilot Study (CAAPS), as well as Ashley Mason's Biology of Eating of Experiences (BEE) Study. Additionally, with Carter Lebares, MD she has been studying professional burnout and how Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction can mitigate its adverse effects.

Her research interest is how cognitive, emotional and social factors predict health outcomes and shape one's well-being.


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